Monday, June 15, 2009


I didn't sleep well. Seems that I often don't after a tougher workout. There's usually a lot of tossing and turning, and I sometimes get night sweats too. Like last night. I don't think I had a fever, but maybe repairing muscle raises my core temp or something, somehow.

At any rate, I eventually got asleep, and then was woken up by people yelling and smashing things. Garbage cans and so forth were set out for garbage pickup this morning, so these cretins had plenty to play with. They went up and down the street and then apparently settled a block or two away, and then I heard a couple of cars heading over (there was no traffic) and the noises stopped. Hopefully the cops. Of course, I had to stay awake and listen to the whole narrative.

I got up at six and ineffectually dozed for a couple of hours before giving up. I have a dull headache and general tiredness. I will try to do some schoolwork and take the dogs out for a bit, but above all else I will nap before going to work. My last shift is today, thank goodness!! I am so done with this job. I don't mind the smells and sights, but I've come to resent that my workload has increased so much since I've started working there; I have less and less time for each individual, and meanwhile they need more and more. Lately, it seems that a new person is added to my list every few weeks...there's still just one of me, and meanwhile the patients I already have are deteriorating and becoming more dependent. It's gotten to the point where I feel I can't keep them safe. One of the new ones is a wanderer! We don't have a locked ward! Anyway, they asked me when I gave notice if I would go on leave rather than quit. I told them politely that I could go on indefinite leave then; I couldn't commit to returning. LOL

Funnily enough, my last job was like that when I gave notice, too. They wanted to know if I just wanted to go on leave.

So, I guess today's total will be about 2ish miles with the dogs, and 1.5 to work.


Unknown said...

Congrats on the last day of work. Sounds like the work was mentally draining (and probably physically too!). And cheers to your DH's return!

cs said...

Thanks, Sarah! I'll miss the people there, and I wish they had more staff there to help them. ah, well!