Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Mon-Tues, GREAT Wed

Mon: 3 miles, no resistance exercises because I had to work--I was going to do them after work, but it turned out to be a heavy shift lifting-wise. So I guess I got a good workout in anyway, but not the same range of muscles that I usually tackle.

Tues: 1.5 miles Such an easy, lazy day!

Wed: 15.16 miles.

This has been one of the best days I've had recently. I didn't have to work, but I woke up at about 6:22 am. Way too early. I fell asleep and woke up again at 6:38. Way too early, but it was almost as if there was a voice in my head saying that I should get up and out, it would be worth it, and I'd regret missing it. Whatever it was. So, I pulled on some running clothes and grabbed the dog and headed out.

I don't usually get out that early; I'd assumed that it would be crowded with pre-work runners, but it was surprisingly clear. And lovely. I don't know what the temp was, but it was comfortable and there was plenty of shade. The dog and I just loped along for a while. We got to the point where I would have turned, for an easy loop, but I wanted to go further. It was so invigorating.

On our way home, I considered stopping by at a dog park--I don't usually take my dog to these things, but he was good and tired and if there's just one or two other nice dogs, he enjoys it. However, as we walked by the fence, a big dog came up growling. At first, I thought to hustle my dog along because I don't want him to think he has to handle that, but the growling didn't seem too aggressive (some dogs just don't know better) and my dog was calm with the fence between them, and so we just stood there and listened to this dog growl and so forth, with the pathetic 'come' cries of the jerk owner sitting on her butt on the other side of the park. LOL. And then my dog peed in the direction of the other dog. He sometimes does this (or tries to do) when confronted with some other dog trying to be dominant. I guess it's a dominant issue. Usually I don't allow it, but this dog really asked for it. It shut the other dog up and they sniffed each other through the fence for a bit and then its owner's cries got through and it loped back.

Well, I met another dog owner on her way to the park, and I told her about that dog. She knew it and said that the owner can't control it. Meanwhile, our dogs were going through the greetings and they decided they wanted to play, and, dang it, if that dumb dog/owner hadn't been in there, they could have had a nice session tearing around the yard. I wish I could have taken my dog in there. He likes playing, but he doesn't appreciate pushy dogs, either, and unfortunately, most people bring their dogs to the dog park way too wound up. So we rarely go.

But, still, it was a really nice outing. And I had loads of energy the rest of the day--I'd forgotten how invigorating an early-morning run can be. I did a bunch of yardwork and school work, plus errands, and it seemed that I was working faster than usual. I'd look at my watch, expecting a 1/2 hour or whatever later, and it was only ten minutes or whatever later.

This also meant that I was totally fried by five, so I had a nap, and slept a bit too late for run club. Fortunately, there are only so many good routes, so I headed straight for the Canal and joined up with them there. Someone mentioned that they were warming up...this month is supposed to be easy, so I was surprised. Turned out they were planning a 30-min tempo at 5:00-5:15, so that seemed manageable. It's not quite tempo pace for me, but considering my lack of speed training these days, plus the hot weather, maybe it is! And it was hot, but the run went well. We picked it up a bit near the end. I am so used to going faster at the end of runs, especially when they're out and backs, so I just let it out the last 1/2 mile--not pushing, just opening up. It's kind of a reward :) I hope nobody minded.

And, THEN, resistance exercises.

Now I'm feeling worn out, but in a good way!

Tomorrow will be an easy day running-wise, although another double, probably 3 and 3 miles. I'm going to a dragonboating practice too. Should be fun!

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