Thursday, January 30, 2014


Just a walk in the (snowy) park this morning.  I've decided that I'm not going to run again until February, for real, but that's not what this post is about. 

My yoga practice has been suffering for too long.  I've studied yoga on and off for well over ten years.  It doesn't require much time, nor more than a floor and gravity, all of which have been available in every single domicile, temporary and almost-permanent, thus far.   There is no absolutely no reason for me to not do yoga.  I've been to a gazillion classes; I can, at the very least, roll out of bed and pull a decent 10-minute wake-up routine out of my ass while half asleep (this is what I have been working on lately, but due to low motivation, it's been easy to eschew).

At times, I've gotten into a totally cool groove, going to classes regularly, or doing videos or routines at home (for a while, I was even studying from a book by Rodney Yee).  And then I've moved or gone on a trip....

So, anyway, I'd like to announce that my new yoga square one is Yoga by Candace.

I first found her via this video when looking for gentle hip-targeted routines.  I do the more exigent* yin poses like cow face pose in front of the TV, but I wanted a routine with more movement too, but nothing too strenuous.  Google eventually led me to Candace.  I like the routines I've tried so far, I like her presence and voice (I'm picky about voice when it comes to yoga videos), and I feel an extra connection to her because she uses 'totally' as a superlative, which is totally up my alley too.

15 minute morning yoga

* this is actually a word in English, not just French!  TOTALLY rad!

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