Monday, January 14, 2013

around the reservoir

It was much less crowded today so we tried it out.  The path is very very nice.  It has a few soft spots and a few small inclines, but most of it is flat or close to it, with firmly packed dirt and/or sand.  The intended easy jog ended up being a bit faster.  I started off slow and then I felt my quads and hip flexors loosen up when I went a bit faster, and so I clung to that ideal zone between breathing too hard and getting jammed up for going too slowly.  My hips were pistons and the rest of my legs were weightless.  It's amazing how a tiny adjustment, a bit of tilt or a bit more momentum, improves function so drastically.  Maybe it's like Jenga.

The reservoir loop is only 2.1 miles long but there is at least one trail that branches off it.  Much future potential, as long as we avoid the really nice hours outside of the usual 9-5 Mon-Fri when everyone and their dog(s) go.  Yesterday was a perfect July day during a January weekend, thus packed.  I still have to find out how big the average personal space bubble is here; maybe it looked more inconvenient than it would have been.  The bubbles were huge in Kansas and I got dirty looks now and then when moving in aisles which had ample space for two people to pass each other with umpteen inches of buffer zone.  This benefited biking, though: cars almost always gave me metres of room when passing me!  It'll be interesting to see what happens here. The bubbles are rather large in most of the south I've been in (and I actually haven't ventured too far into the Deep South), but our new neighbourhood isn't actually a typical Southern town.  There are lots of transplants besides us.  Whether or not this means that it'll be easier running on paths with a bunch of other runners, and walkers, dogs, strollers, etc, I will find out. turns out that a certain septic tank isn't being installed today but tomorrow, unless it rains, thus potentially delaying a certain inspection (or two, I've lost track), thus potentially delaying our departure from this rather nice motel...fortunately, the koi are only 11 minutes away from their new home so I can feed them the day before traveling, and not fret about figuring out what exact day that is!

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