Tuesday, May 24, 2011

running running running

And tapering.

And not quite evading wheat. "Is there wheat in this?" "No." And then, too late, I realized I should have also asked "How about soy sauce?" Ah, but foregoing the international food festival (for the 4th or 5th time this year) would not have been worth it. The mango lassi was indeed heaven in a cup and surpassed the Peruvian cookies and Brazilian chocolates (both of which contained condensed milk, so the bar was high!)

Alas, the wheat made me go to bed at about 6:00 pm last night; after twelve hours of sleep, I rolled out of bed and ran. There is a silver lining: I was until then still on Alberta time. hopefully I can keep the 6:00 am thing going for the rest of the week, if not beyond. It's part of my plan for the rest of the summer. More on that later.

I am sluggish and the gut pain has returned slightly. If I eat right, I should recover in time. It's not like my expectations are high for this race anyway. I've done very little speedwork, mostly base building instead. I didn't even expect to run a marathon this spring; I'm happy with how things have fallen into place.

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