Friday, October 16, 2009


Today I ran for 52 minutes. I met a friend on the way so I ran back with him and it was good to get into a faster pace. Faster, as in actually under 10:00/mile. LOL. I'm not sure of my usual pace, but I think it's a bit over 10:00/mile. Anyway, after about 2.5 miles of a faster pace (I have no idea how fast it was), my muscles were a bit sore, but aerobically, I was fine. I could still talk. That's where my running is at this point: my heart is groovy but my muscles don't have the juice to do much besides jog. But I still think it's best to jog. It preserves my appetite and weight somewhat--these things have been a lot more stable since I started running umpteen years ago. And it makes me feel better.

I guess it all works out as I've said before: this way, my heart gets eased into the more strenuous stuff pretty gradually. I was really lucky with how quickly the heart stuff was resolved and I can't expect the GI stuff to be resolved as quickly. However, I would really really like to do the antibody tests soon! It's funny, part of me is itching to type out more details, and the other part of me is like, no, that's just too gross. Maybe I need to find a friend with iffy guts so that we can talk about, well, iffy gut stuff.

Anyway, I'm going to try to focus more on writing about running. Today, for instance, we started running around 6:40. It was dark. I was looking forward to running into the light or something mythical like that, but after all that anticipation, dawn still managed to creep up without being savoured. I don't even remember it getting light. No pretty colours. All of a sudden, I noticed that it was light and things were back to normal.

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