Friday, March 27, 2009


I'm swamped in lab projects, but am nearly done! I feel bittersweet about that.

Anyway, I have been running, and may even make my 50 mile goal this week, if I run for 7ish miles tomorrow.

Monday: 8.9 miles with the dog.
Tues: 4 miles with the dog
Wednesday, about ten miles total including speedwork. In a pair of new shoes.
And, wow, they got me into some trouble.,1114,1085,1127,1087,1094,1088,1092,1091,1143,1141

While I was in the States, I went to the running store near my FIL's, like I usually do. They have good prices, a good selection of good running shoes for a smallish store, good clerks, and a treadmill. :D

I'd bought my NB826s there...NB is not a brand I usually fit, but the clerk thought that this model might suit me, and they did! the first pair, at least. The 2nd pair, not so much, for some reason. Same model, but something's a little off. So I needed a new pair of lightweight shoes.

Saucony isn't a brand I've worn much, either, but after running in these shoes for 5 min or whatever, I figured I was good to go.

Wednesday was the inaugural road test. 3-4 mile repeats. I didn't make it to four because those shoes toasted my ass and spread butter and jam on it, even...they're fast. The loops we do aren't quite a mile (0.97-0,98 of a mile), but there are hills in that so that might compensate. Anyway, the first mile, I suddenly found myself kind of near the front. 6:21. I couldn't believe it when I looked at my watch. The 2nd mile, I was smoked by the fast women, though, and I was starting to hurt. I felt for sure that I was slowing down, so I kept pushing, but I was still starting to get depressed about it.

Well, when I looked at my watch, I saw 6:08. !!! It was a nice surprise, but also a weird feeling, to see that air, that zero...I can't really describe it.

The third mile was definitely tougher. My legs were heavy. It was good practice trying to keep things light and going. The others were considerably further ahead this time, but I was happy that I made it in 6:20.

I started a fourth repeat but it just wasn't working. I was really tired and since I laughed or talked just as I was starting, that threw my heartrate off (I have mitral valve prolapse or something, and actually will be wearing electrodes next week to get a better diagnosis). So, my running was done until things got back to normal. Sometimes I jog through it, but I was tired anyway, so I walked back to the coffee shop. Ended up jogging home later.

But, man, I can't believe I ran that fast! Kind of makes up for the poor pacing and aborted workout. That one fast mile is definitely not the point of the workout, and I would have been better served by going slower and doing the 4th repeat, especially since I'm supposedly doing an ultra....but sometimes it's good motivation to be surprised like that, however tiring. I definitely feel like all the winter running has paid off, and I even feel that perhaps I'm faster now than I've ever been, which is highly encouraging. It helped that this was the first speedwork session I've done this year when it's been light out. Makes a big difference not slogging through snow or whatever in the dark. Last time we did mile repeats, mine were in the 7:40/mile range--there was a blizzard. LOL

Thurs: 1 mile jogging to something. That's it. Didn't feel sore from Wednesday, though.

Friday, today: I'm tired, the last two nights have been about 4hrs of sleep. But it's spring! talk about lovely weather--perfect running weather. 9-10C, and very little wind. And sun, too--overcast is better for races, but sun is better for basking. Grabbed the dog and jogged for a couple of hours by the river, 12 miles. His longest distance ever. But it was such good weather for him and he was doing great, so we kept going. Then I dropped him off, refueled, and jogged for about another hour. Total: about 19 miles. I was hoping that we'd done 13 in the first two hours, but there were traffic lights and stretches of loose snow. I was wearing shorts so it was pretty funny running through that snow!

Unfortunately, it seems like a big glass of apple cider is not the right pre-run fuel. That was a sluggish hour, but good stomach practice. I often drink oj before running, and that's fine. Apple cider is probably more acidic, and probably contains less potassium...and it didn't help that I drank so much of it. It made me feel like I was going to throw up.

Tomorrow there's a chance of rain, but it is supposed to be a balmy 15C. wow! That's too hot. lol (but I really wish that summer didn't get much hotter than it did today). I might bring my little tomato seedlings out for a little bit. Time to get them used to being outside.


Unknown said...

Those shoes are S-W-E-E-T! I may have to check them out - they look like they have a low heel, which would make a good training shoe for me. I already wear the Saucony Fastwitch to train in, but these look cooler! And you already proved that they make you fast!

cs said...

I actually thought of you when I was getting them, because they have a lower profile than most shoes. I hope you can get to try a pair.