Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Mon: walk in the forest.  My husband was home so we walked in the afternoon, and, yes, the pack was there again--we recognized the car.  Maybe they go every afternoon.  Good to know.  So we took the side trail off the entrance and then went down trail 1 and found our way back to the first trail (trail 0?)...a bit of bushwhacking and that part of the forest has more undergrowth but it was fine.  That loop would make for a more interesting walk.  Much of it would be very difficult to run on.  Trail 0 is fine, Trail 1 is too eroded and deep in debris, and the bit in between isn't a trail at all.

Tues: the dog and I jogged for about 62 minutes, using our newest connection between 5 and 2/3.  We went over a few stretches twice, the longest being the loop by the graveyard, the flattest and easiest part of the area--no complaints there!  I didn't walk up any of the inclines, even the rumples back up 2b.  There is a gorgeous sine wave there, three peaks and three troughs, three short little steep hills that are nevertheless taller than me and very close together.  This was the first time I'd run through this part entirely and it is strangely fun, but a bit demanding aerobically.  That was near the end of the run and I wasn't recovering on the flats and downhills as much anymore, but for a while, I managed to get my breathing quickly back to super easy after hills.

I'm taking that as a sign that I'm getting back into shape and that I'm putting the breathing difficulties behind me.  Occasionally, I feel tightness, but it's become so infrequent that I don't feel it on every run anymore, and I probably haven't felt it once this week so far.  This is vital for longer runs: I have to be able to let everything drop back into a comfortable level of effort in order to keep going for hours, if I want to do that.

After the run, I did zwow 26.  I can't do all the exercises--I find side planks uncomfortable enough without jumping into them--but it was a fun workout that went by quickly.

Today, just a 70ish minute walk with the dog.  I have been staying up rather late these days working on a project.   My most productive hours are 10 pm to 3 or 4 am.  When things are going well, I just have to roll with it, but it's starting to hurt getting up at 8....30?  LOL


Fran said...

Congratulations on your recent breathing achievement!

cs said...

Thanks! It turned out to be short-lived, but onwards and upwards :)