Tuesday, November 8, 2011

a post so boring that I might fall asleep while writing it

Which would be nice! This isn't insomnia, more like getting that second wind, which I've been getting too often lately.

At any rate, the dog and I ran 3 miles today. It was a normal average run, but really above average considering the past few weeks. It should be the normal morning distance, and I'm hoping to keep it up (with longer runs mid-week and weekend) because my dog seems to have a 3 mile daily minimum. Below that, he starts getting depressed and pushy and once the regular morning routine is amply reestablished, he returns to his normal self very quickly. Usually I notice the change after the 2nd normal run. i should add that Sundays don't count: I usually run with humans and he's used to sleeping in with my husband instead. Unfortunately, Fridays have become a bit problematic because I have to leave earlier than normal and I haven't quite been getting up early enough to do more than a mile or two.

However, the time change has been very helpful. I find daylight savings hard to adjust to, even in fall, but the dawn sky has been this amazing yellow orange colour. It's a wonderful hue to wake up to. I would like to run in it but that hasn't quite happened yet.

Meanwhile, I'm pumped about this farewell long run I've been planning. There are more bike/rec paths in the city than I'd known about!

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