Saturday, January 1, 2011

Day 340

or so...I stopped eating wheat on January 25th, 2010. Granted, I've had numerous accidents since then, but these are becoming less frequent as I learn more about what products actually contain gluten. An ancillary lesson is to not trust a previously gluten-free item and to read the label each and every time I purchase something. Companies switch providers and this has caused me some discomfort. This also means that I'm making my own stuff more and more. It takes time but I have time. I made candied peel for the first time a couple of days ago and it turned out well and seems to satisfy sweet cravings. This means I can eat that and not have to trust commercially-produced candies as much, or at all.

Anyway, I'm pumped for 2011! Today was an overcast, unseasonably warm and very wet day (no rain, thankfully, just lots of puddles and slush), and I didn't get enough sleep (Rockband until 3am-ish, home at 4amish), but it felt good and positive to run this morning. It was my goal to run before noon, and I succeeded! I had more energy than I thought I would have: the anticipated 2-mile recovery slog turned into a fair 4 mile run.

I'm not sure when we're moving so I'm not seeing past June for my goals. I will do the Hypo 1/2 in late January, and probably the Winterman 1/2 in late February, and then take a bit of a break and then do some 5Ks starting in mid-late April. The 1/2 marathons will be relaxed and then hopefully I can push a bit more for the 5Ks. No idea if I'll do a marathon this year; it depends on how much mileage I can do comfortably.

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