Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day 146...I think

I've been busy, but have been running.
Last week: 504.5 minutes. more like it!

Speedwork didn't happen once again but I was drained. Fortunately, the problem resolved itself (after 20 days...ehhh), and I've been taking two iron supplements after each run, and eating red meat and green leafy veggies often, and I feel better.

We've been doing the bridges loop 3 X a week and the inclines are feeling more comfortable. They deterred me from doing that loop often last year, but the three water fountains--plus a creek behind the musee of Civ!--make it really doggy friendly. Plus the hills are making me stronger, I think. So we'll keep at it.

I'm back on track with pushups. Situps are now 2 X 10 situps with the medicine ball, with clamshells in between, once a day.

Yoga...:(. I really need to get back to yin.

My real inspiration for posting is the wonderful run I just had--actually, both of my runs today were good. Morning: 75 minutes with the dog, and it was so good, I would have been happy with that. The temp was 18, cool enough to be comfortable for both of us. It was such a treat to run in that that this evening I set out again: 68 minutes in the rain, feeling cool and effortless. No dog, so my arm movement was freer and I've noticed that it's become looser and somewhat reminiscent of the arm movement I use during short intervals. It's hard to describe but it seems to help with keeping loose and transferring more freedom below the waist. Tonight I was quite relaxed but moving well. I ran 7 miles (ok, 6.99, lol) in 60 minutes and then jogged a bit to cool down...my last two miles were pretty much tempo. Kept getting faster and faster, but it was invigorating and not arduous. It was one of those really good runs that keeps me slogging through the bad ones. I can't remember the last time I had such a good run, but I'm grateful. The last couple of weeks haven't been that pleasant, and now I have something more tangible to pull me through the next stretch of too hot and humid weather before I get another bit of rain or freshness.

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