Monday, June 14, 2010

Day 138

I've been busy. But I have been running.

Two weeks ago: total 506 minutes
Last week: total 425 minutes

Unfortunately, I'm dealing with another issue and it's frustrating because I finally recovered mostly from the gluten thing and got my iron levels to almost normal...TMI! I think I had another enlarged cyst burst. It felt like that though far less painful, but now things are a bit whacked out and, TMI! TMI! TMI! I've had a period for two weeks now and not when I'm supposed to have it either so I guess it'll just keep happening until it gets back onto my cycle. I'm actually on meds to regulate it so props to my gonads: you gals are just that good. Hence the drop in mileage last week and no sprints either. I was feeling kind of zombie-like.

I didn't run much at the end of the week; I lounged about at the lake and ate pretty much everything that wasn't nailed down this weekend, still lost a bit of weight but I feel better. At least I have a license to pig out now. Just like the old days :/

Yesterday was 6X 1 mile tempo, 1 min rest (supposed to be Sat's workout but the lake isn't good for this sort of thing)...I cut it down to 6X 7 min tempo (combo of cowardice and not really wishing to know how long a mile at tempo would take at the time), and then my dog had the brilliant idea that 5 repeats was enough. And it was. My tempo pace was 8:15 except for the 2nd last interval (8:20--he was lagging) and the last one (8:07--I told him that it was the last one and we both found that 2nd wind). It was a bit tiring but ok.

I have to get back into resistance exercises--those went out the window last week too. I've decided to do 2 X 10 situps with the medicine balls and some anti-ITBS exercises every day--it's very manageable. I don't have ITBS; I have a congregation of insect bites on the outside of my right knee and they're sore enough to have tricked me! It's been a while since my last round of anti-ITBS exercises anyway.

40 min jog this morning, hopefully a long run this evening. The schedule calls for a tempo run and a long run the day after. "Long" at this point is still <2.5 hrs. Not bad.

edit: 2:16:30 this evening....not that hot but very humid. I don't deal with humidity that well. It wasn't much fun.

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