Wednesday, September 2, 2009


To be updated--speedwork tonight!

Monday, I just walked. I didn't feel especially sore, but since my mileage seems to be just under 40miles/week these days, I felt it best to spare some for the rest of the week. ;)

Tues, I jogged six miles with the dog. This was a somewhat odd run. I've been off the elimination diet since Wednesday, and the symptoms are slowly returning, including heavy limbs and fatigue. This was the first run that reminded me of my other runs this summer, before the elimination diet. I was going pretty slowly and feeling an abnormally raised effort for it. It didn't feel like I was tired from Sunday's run, more of a general dullness. After two miles, I considered cutting it short, but I kept on and gradually found a new gear, accelerated, and ended the run at a pretty good clip. It was encouraging how it turned out, but it also made me wonder if I'd overdrawn.

This morning, three miles with the dog. A very slow run despite the relative coolness. He's tired, I'm tired...we'll both probably run this evening too.

With any luck, it'll work out like last Wednesday's workout (minus the trips to the loo)--I'll jog around for a while with my husband and dog, and then crank out a few faster mile repeats through the fatigue. Hopefully. I'll be happy with anything below 8:00/mile.

And then, Thursday, we're off to Minnesota for a friend's wedding. I have no idea how much running I'm going to get in. Maybe I can do an interval workout on a hotel TM on Friday, at least. I would also like to do one more 14+ mile run, hopefully with a faster finish, but this can get postponed until after my return. I am still considering going back on the elimination diet after the wedding hoopla to give me a bit more energy for the Army 1/2. My follow-up is on the 14th so I can show them that, hey, going without eating X and Y for a week felt good BOTH times. LOL

As for goals for the Army 1/2...I would like to PB, but I haven't been doing the miles or the long runs or the speedwork that I was doing last year at this time before my PB at last year's Army Run. My mileage was much more consistent this winter and early spring, and I was doing regular tempo and sprints/speedwork plus resistance exercises earlier this summer, unlike mostly slacking early last summer, and then things fell apart. I haven't been doing speedwork on Fridays, and I've recently done only one run over 16 miles as opposed to six between July 27 and Sept 8in 2008. My 1500M interval pace is definitely slower this August than last August by about 20 sec/mile. Although last Wednesday wasn't really my day. I've had worse, but with the help of bacteria.

So: A goal: under 8:00/mile.
B goal: under 1:50.
C goal: under 2hrs.

If it's hot, I'll be happy with under 2hrs.

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