Thursday, September 3, 2009


Oh, and today's mileage: 0. Neither the dog nor I was up for running this morning. A short walk seemed to suffice.

Yesterday evening, I headed out with my husband and the dog. It was a bit warm and after about three miles, the dog had had enough. The phantom poop made its appearance, or lack of, a few times in short succession, which is the dog's way of telling us that he's starting to get a little bored of running. When he's had enough, he gets distracted by smelling things, but since I don't let him stop to smell things while running, he's learnt to pretend that he's about to poop.

Anyway, after some discussion, I left the boys in the Arboretum and jogged back downtown to join the running club. But something happened. I started to pick up speed, started to pass people, which necessitated more speed so that they wouldn't return the favour, and it ended up being a 3 mile tempo-ish run. It felt surprisingly good. At first, I debated slowing down, but it was my hard day and I'd already planned to show up for speedwork somewhat tired. I jogged another mile more slowly and ate a gel, and that brought me up to 7 miles by the time run club started. My legs were definitely tired during the warm-up so I didn't know quite what to expect.

We had to do mile repeats. I'd hoped to do four.

These days, I'm in my own zone pace-wise. There's the fast clump of guys, another smaller clump or two behind them, and then me. Lately I've been not-quite fast enough to keep up with a new female member, which is fine.

However, my legs, heavy as they felt, tapped into the inexplicable juice again...I trailed for the 800M out, and then, somehow, almost caught up to her and a man running with her, and we'd caught up to a 2nd woman who had blazed by and then faded. The out-and-back helped--turning around and knowing that it's half over is highly encouraging.

My first mile was in 7:03. Not as fast as I have been, but definitely faster than what I'd hoped for.

I tried to keep up, and almost did, for two more repeats. I also tried to go as efficiently as possible, concentrating on form, etc. My next two miles were in 7:06 and 7:12. Fading, but I was happy. I did 1/2 of another repeat, but at a more reasonable pace (hopefully 1/2 marathon pace, around 8:00/mile) and jogged back, then home. 12.38 miles in total for the evening.

About a year ago, I did 5X 1600 M: 6:57, 7:04, 6:59, 6:48, 6:55. I was also running a lot more, including some weeks over 100K. I don't have the same stamina now. I'm slower and I'm doing fewer repeats. However, I feel that I am sharpening up somewhat again. Last year, I think I peaked too early for my A race, the Philly marathon--I was tight for the Army Run and then started getting tired. This year, I'm not sure what I'll be doing after the Army Run exceptpossibly the February marathon here, so it would be ok to peak in a couple of weeks and then concentrate on building mileage or something.

However, if I'm going to peak, I also have to loosen up...I've been sorely neglecting yoga this summer, partially due to environmental causes. Lack of space. However, we're moving next week and this will no longer be an issue. My right leg is starting to feel off.

At any rate, I've already run 40 miles this would be nice to get another run in, but not necessary. That long run on Sunday sure plumps up mileage nicely.

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