Tuesday, September 22, 2009

quick post-op update

I can almost walk at a normal pace. LOL
The operation went really well and I'm recovering nicely. I was conscious--albeit, groovy--during the operation. The highlight was being injected with adrenaline. They injected other stimulants, too, but once that adrenaline hit, I really felt like I should be moving or doing something instead of just lying there (strapped to the bed, actually, lol). My limbs wanted to move. Maybe I just wanted to get out of there. The adrenaline did the trick, the tachycardia cropped up and they somehow located the source and burned it with one of the four (?) devices pushed up my femoral vein. The surgeon showed me the x-ray of my heart with the caths in it. He also showed me the end of the caths themselves after withdrawing them. He seemed to hesitate slightly before doing so, perhaps because of the blood. Perhaps most people don't get a peek. I'd like to thank my impressive fortitude for the privilege, but I really owe everything to the rather numbing IV cocktail.

My heart still feels sort of 'gritty' and the incision is still healing, but in another week or so, things should be pretty much fine. I can walk around ok, stairs are fine, bending down is getting better, picking up/carrying heavy things is still iffy....and yesterday, I caught myself bolting up the stairs like normal. not bad!

I'm not sure when I'll resume running, but I'm in no rush.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Glad to hear the operation went well. Hope the healing/recovery process goes quickly and successfully.