Saturday, September 12, 2015


Sleep has been fragmented and elusive this week, but I have a bit of a reprieve: cooler temps!  Highs in the low 30s and lows in the low 20s...actually, 19 for the next two days. 


This is very helpful because I'm usually awake from 3ish to 6ish am.  Yep.  Some nights I'm productive during this span, others I waste on anxiety and/or indulgent web surfing.  Listening to "sleep-promoting" music or meditation doesn't help, listening to lectures sometimes does; last night I simply accepted the inevitable and listened to Leviathan and Galaktikon and then fell asleep in the midst of some album by Persephone.

At any rate, I need some slack getting outside afterwards while it's still relatively cool.  Skipping that last sliver of sleep isn't optimal, not when I've had just 3 or 4 hours beforehand. 

Yeah, sleep has been an issue for a while, and some nights are rough, but I seem to be adapting.  Is this good preparation? Who knows?

Fortunately, this morning was agreeable.  I was awake for a shorter span, 4-6 am or so, and I woke up shortly before eight feeling surprisingly refreshed.  When the dog and I hit the pavement, it was still only about 24 C, and so we tried out a new loop.  25 minutes total of running, plus walk breaks.  These days, that's a victorious long run!

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