Monday, August 17, 2015

back in the saddle perhaps maybe

So I did run again this weekend and I couldn't have timed it better.  We've been here for not quite a month and there has been very little rain, but I managed to score the first morning drizzle.  20 minutes of near-comfort!  It felt nice and I even got to run on the non-shady side of the river for the first time! Even in the early morning, the temperature is at least 25 Celsius, and so I've been a creature of the shadows.

If I can do ~20 minutes of running three times a week for the next month or so, I'll be happy.  It's hot and I'm in my third trimester.  Yes, this is why I'm presently in Texas and not up in PA.   The weather is much better up north but the food and general scene is much better here, and the baby will emerge* in time for the awesome weather season.  I love winter, but I'm looking forward to Not-Winter this year.

Meanwhile, I've recently found out that my iron levels are low again, even though I'm taking almost 60 mg/day of iron supplements. 

* this is the kindest and least intimidating verb I can think of for this process.

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