Sunday, October 7, 2012

this week

It flew and crawled by:

zwow 12
zwow 33 (but just two rounds)
20 minutes tempo run
3 mile run outside

And a fair bit of walking.

I'd hoped to tackle the 8 mile loop this week, but it didn't happen.  My neck didn't allow outside running until Wednesday, when I ran the 3 mile loop to test it out (successfully!)  Thursday was simply lost...I slept in too late.  The sleep in was a signal, perhaps, but I am puzzled.  Friday and Saturday, my guts periodically cried some sort of gluten affront, and yet I haven't eaten anything suspicious unless the muscle relaxants have gluten in them, and I didn't take them every day.

Meanwhile, I'm missing the start of fall!  The temps are brisk.  The heaters kicked on at work and at home.  I am rather fond of the juxtaposition of the smell of crisp dead leaves outside and the smell of burning dust inside.

Maybe I will get the run in before we leave tomorrow.  That might require packing tonight...I could lay out some running clothes, I suppose.  We'll be returning to summer, not horrible swelter deep summer, but the first few days in the mid 20s C when the sun hits soft green lawns and you do likewise.

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