Monday, October 15, 2012

the garbage got me up

The garbage truck usually comes around 7:30 am on Monday.  Yes, we can put out our garbage the night before but it cannot be in cans or bins.  The city gives garbage bags free of charge to residents to simplify the process for everyone...including our non-human neighbours.

This week, it seemed to be my turn to wake up early and put the garbage out.  We don't have a set rotating schedule.  Usually my husband has to go to work early and he puts it out.  If he's home, he likes to sleep in and I put it out.  If we are both dead to the world, it's not a big deal to skip a week because we usually don't generate much more than a grocery sack of garbage a week.   (This might change now that I've retired the compost bin and released the worms).   But I woke up at 7 and put out the bags.

Ironically, almost all of our garbage this week was yard waste and was already outside.  Neither of us thought to put it out in front yesterday.  And, even more sadly, the city doesn't compost and though we figured out ways of diverting cardboard, paper, glass, metal, and organic kitchen waste, we haven't yet figured out where to bring our yard waste.

It was a gorgeous morning.  The leaves started turning in our absence: no reds, but plenty of yellows and oranges.  It was crisp and cool and dewy.  I put the collar and leash on the dog and we walked to the river, a bed of gently rising fog.   Enjoyably transported to another, more mysterious place, we meandered along the river and then home.

Then I did zwow #37 and discomfort returned me to the here and now.

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