Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Running fever

I'm stuck in a lower gear, feels like, but I can't stop either.
There aren't enough hours in the day and of course I'm wasting part of one now.

Running has been going pretty well, but stuff has encroached upon sleep for the past few weeks: some things just beg to be done after 10 pm. Gradually, I've been getting more and more run down and less and less sleep, but I still wake up early. I feel it mostly in my shoulders, although I got up this morning with an emerging cold sore (after 4.5 hrs of sleep).

But there is a strange kind of counter-impetus to certain kinds of inertia. A layer of the ego (specifically, forethought and self-doubt) withers and before excuses erupt, motion is occurring. A music prof once told me that a fever can result in a really good performance, and I found this to be true. I'm not sure I have a fever now but I have the ether of a fever at least.

Decisions became easy...my running clothes were beside the bed, closer than any other possibilities; before I fully awoke, I rolled into them and out the door. The dog has trained himself to meet me at the front door close to his leash so I picked him up along the way and we floated for 4 miles. I felt more attuned to the surroundings than my own body. Who is this person breathing? I overdressed (accidentally?) and this created a bubble of comforting warmth, an artificial fever; we ran into the sun at first and it was disappointing to turn around.

And now I must apply this momentum to work.

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