Saturday, June 28, 2008

I owe it to my cerebellum

I'm really enjoying my psych course...especially since the tests, apart from the final exam, are open book. Guess who scored 100% today? :D

At any rate, I had a good run yesterday. It was hot and humid and sunny once I was done jogging with the dog. Thankfully the sun didn't come out sooner, as he would have suffered. As it was, we had about 4 water stops in about an hour and a bit. Then I left him at home, ate some cheese and drank some ginger ale, and set off again for just under two hours. And the sun came out. What a difference that makes. I had 3 water stops; I was hot, but I was going slowly so I felt alright. I can't race well above 12C or so, but jogging in 20, 30,'s not too bad. 2 summers below the Mason-Dixon line taught me that; at times, it seems like a bad freaky dream, but it did get me used to hot weather, hydrating more in general (not just during the run), taking walk breaks every so often to let my heartrate drop again, etc.

Still, there is one insurmountable issue: BO. It's not bad, but sometimes I wonder if I'm just fooling myself. LOL

At any rate, I'm still somewhat depressed over my husband's deployment...there are different emotional phases. Just before he goes is probably the sharpest anguish (nothing sucks more to counting down to a departure!) and then there's a lower-grade dejection that is pretty fatiguing, for a week or so, and then things smooth out. It hasn't helped, either, that both times, I was in a less-than-desirable job and place, so I closed down shop both times before he left. lol. But, right now, job-hunting isn't helping my mood any. Fortunately, matters aren't urgent. Still, I'm hoping that, next time, I will be settled in a good job before he goes and so I will avoid at least some of this stress and, more importantly, not pass it onto him. He's got more than enough to think about. Last time, I got an amazing job after he left...hopefully that same luck will kick in. My options are more limited this time because of the dog and my greencard issues, though. I just can't pick up and go. I could work in the States, but I really needed a break from the car-centricity and crappy health care. Not to mention that, after two years of living down south, I was really tired of being talked down to because people assumed I was young, presumably because I wasn't overweight with umpteen kids hanging off me and a car. I'm not really sure what was going on, but I needed to return to my own kind.

Anyway, taking some courses towards a potential career change is helping, though. And running these long runs has helped me too. I covered just over 95 km this week.

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