Saturday, April 28, 2012

oh, karma!

Just after I had put the final touches on my pre-colonoscopy diatribe yesterday, gut pain sprung!  It was this oddly especially localized and sharp little knot, different from the usual sort of slightly less localized cramping/burning.  I couldn't lie on my right side all night.  Every time I rolled over, it felt as if a particular coil of my intestine was sliding into a vice.  I think it was either the hospital scrambled eggs or the kamikaze roll sauce, and I won't be eating either again.

The pain was still present this morning, so we didn't run long time.  I wasn't sure if running would make it worse, or if eating would (and I would have to eat if running for a while), so I had my herbal detox stuff mixed in a glass of water, and then we jogged down to the creek path and up and down it almost completely.  There was a Tai Chi class near the end that took over the path (this section is in a park), but that was cool because they were playing nice Tai Chi music and my guts were already feeling better by that point and there was stuff for the dog to smell and there was a water fountain to test was just a relaxing run.

Sometimes running is the perfect internal massage.  I'm now having a veg protein/spirulina shake, and hopefully by this evening I will feel well enough to eat food.  At any rate, I'm feeling much better.

3ish miles.


Fran said...

Welcome back to the blogosphere! Do you have a batch of afternoon shifts next?

cs said...

Yes! just aft/evening shifts from now on!