Tuesday, April 17, 2012

in all directions but forward

I've been swamped! And the list doesn't seem quite linear; I picture overlapping circles but Blogspot does not.

Accidental serving of wheat at restaurant: zombie state. I'm still weak and sore, 1.5 weeks after
Final exam
Travel home, sibling's wedding
sleep deprivation (actually, considering how much I had to sleep during the first few days after the bad meal, maybe it balances out) culminating in one night with just a cat naps. Our flight was delayed and we got home after 2:00 am, and I didn't feel like calling work, so after a couple of hours in a half-sleep state and a few hallucinations including a cat purring on my chest and a strange man standing in my room, I got up and went to work. I was so tired, I felt no emotion about either apparition! Funnily enough, I changed into pyjamas (scrubs) at work, and I didn't really wake up until about noon, but I think I worked better than normal because the usual inner monologue and distracting thoughts were dead. I still haven't caught up on sleep, I think. 8 more early mornings.

I ran a couple of times while at home, about 7 miles (5 with T&T--I mean, two friends of mine, not the store!)--and then I don't know how many with run club. Mile repeats, about 7:14/mile. Oh, and I jog most of the way to work. It's too hot on the way back. :/

At any rate, I fully support our local town drugstore because while I was in there today, some man threw a fit because they didn't carry his prescription despite what he was told at a hospital. Bad language alert!

Man (yelling): Fuck your store!
Formerly soft-spoken pharmacist (after a very brief pause): Fuck you and get out of my store, you piece of shit! (the man left)

The cashier helping me then apologized to me and told me to take care when I left the store.

This was heartwarming for some reason. There was ownership in the pharmacist's voice, that's for sure. I don't know if he actually owns the store, but it isn't a chain store.

I meant to run after work today....maybe tomorrow. I did work out, this time "with" a different internet workout host: http://www.youtube.com/user/HangTightwMarC?ob=0&feature=results_main .

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