Friday, November 5, 2010

day? smoothie and chocolate cake

And, yes, that was breakfast!

This morning, we did 4X 8 min, with one minute rest. It was poorly paced; I went too fast. I still can't jog, and I think that I've gotten fit enough that I could find a pace that is comfortable both aerobically and mechanically, but I've also gotten used to a certain level of effort and I keep pushing. Maybe I've even come to like it. There's a certain beguiling rhythm that spurs me on, thump thump, swish, swish, clickety-clickety-clickety (that's the dog). But it still tires me out.

Anyway, we did an out and back that I know really well, plus there's mapmyrun, so I was able to figure out how fast I went:

7:37/mile (I got to the mile point at 7:33, and probably slowed down out of unease)

I'm thinking that maybe I should use the Garmin to help me find a more suitable pace for longer runs. 8:10-8:15 used to feel really good--it was below tempo effort so nice aerobically, but it was also fast enough to feel light and efficient.

Tomorrow, if I remember the plan correctly, I'm supposed to do 20 minutes of running, five minutes of walking, and another 10 minutes of running. I can't remember the last time I ran 20 minutes without stopping! I definitely don't need to pop off a 7:33 mile to start with.

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