Monday, March 22, 2010

Day 56

This morning, we walked for a bit and then jogged for 35 minutes. We were going pretty slowly, I'm sure. My legs were feeling the effects of yesterday's workout. Plus we ran by the river for the first time this year, not counting the other time we ended up trudging through inches of snow. Yes, the paths are clear! This means more options, less going up and down the Canal all the time. This also means that instead of a fairly flat run, we now get some inclines and bridges and so forth, including the rather steep hill up along the locks. I was going to walk up it, but then I figured that the impact would be less than going down hill--it might be a good low-impact way of getting more blood flowing. Plus, if I walked it this morning, it would make it all the more harder to convince myself not to walk it later on. Anyway, it's a more interesting route than up and down the Canal, and if I feel that I can manage it for a recovery/easy runs, then I'll do them there. Save the Canal for faster stuff.

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