Tuesday, April 19, 2016


I jogged about a mile today.

It's been a bit rough these past couple of weeks.  Apparently, babies sometimes experience sleep regression--basically, the kid who has been sleeping 6-7 hours straight at night went back to 3-4.   This combined with insomnia left me with not much sleep at all.

Insomnia aside, the sleep regression usually happens during a major developmental leap, so it's actually pretty cool.  The kid is now rolling all over the floor.

In other news, I caught the end of the Boston Marathon yesterday, which was neat...but it seems that there isn't anyone in the region who can speak both English and Amharic (or Oromo?) fluently.  Or maybe the winners were really saying "Look, I'm kinda really tired and I just want to get back to the hotel and room service, so if you pretend to not speak English, they'll stop asking me questions and let me go."


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