Saturday, August 9, 2014


Just kidding!

We went to the beach and I ran a fair bit every day--my feet weren't used to the sand so they got a bit blistered.  Or maybe I just ran on too many jellyfish bits.  Just moon jellies, torn to bits of squishy glass. 

Since then, though, I have been an absolute slug.  Too hot.  Even walking the dogs has made me feel ill.  Today, though--right now--it's 19 C.  19.  That's lower than the lows this week, I think.  I love it.  So surreal, walking outside and feeling cold.  It's been pouring rain for hours so I probably won't run--maybe I'll hit the TM.  Maybe not.  It just hasn't been a healthy day and maybe I shouldn't bother to attempt to salvage it.  We went into town and met a friend, had an impromptu wine tasting at his store, and I didn't have much wine but started feeling it--then I realized it was close to 2 pm and all I'd eaten or drank so far was water and wine.  Actually, that sounds downright biblical, come to think of it.

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