Monday, August 18, 2014


Back to basics

I've been sick for about six days...

Fortunately, I've recovered enough to start the week properly.  Chest/arm day, plus I returned to the old situp/pike situp routine.  It's apparently too strenuous to do everyday, but I'm going to try doing it on chest/arm day, and limit each set to 10.  So 40 pushups and 40 situps in 4 minutes, 2 times a week (or 1, let's be honest, chest/arm day gets ditched first), not bad.

What is bad is the weather.  There was a bit of a cool spell, only 28 C, yay, but that's gone and I know I promised not to whine about the weather but, c'mon, seriously, a high of 36 C this week? Wat do?!?!? So I bought this coffee scrub so at least I can sit in my OUTDOOR SAUNA* and exfoliate!!

Maybe running 2 short tempo runs this week will make up for the rest of the week. 

*I don't actually have a sauna, and I actually prefer the 40-45 C range for just hanging out for an hour or two...funnily enough, 36ish C isn't quite hot enough to be special.  I also know from experience that my patio furniture becomes beguilingly fragrant at about 42 C. 

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