Saturday, October 21, 2017


I've been running about 2-3 times a week, nothing major, although I'm starting to get some pep back because summer is finally scramming (although today got up to 31 C which isn't that hot but so unnecessary and gross...UGH, JUST GO AWAY).

I apologize, but summer down here really sucks*.  Usually when I pack a change of under things/outer things and baby wipes, it's because I actually got to run on the way and work up an honest sweat.  But not here!  I live just 0.4 miles from school.

Also, it's tough finding an appropriately lightweight Halloween costume for a toddler descended from not one but two heavy-sweating parents (yes, the kid sweats too).  He likes animals, so I figure he can have fun being an animal, but practically all the animal costumes are fleece jumpsuits...but I digress.

Anyhoo**, I'm writing not because of my non-major writing, but because of this song.  An upside of all the studying I do*** (which is not as much as my peers, but still a few hours per day), is TUNES.  I can't remember the last time I found a song that gave me the freezies :) 

Maybe tomorrow will be a long run, which is about 5 miles these days (I'll have both the stroller and the dog).

*I went home during winter and got walking pneumonia, but I bear no ill will against winter because I love winter.  I was foolhardy and underdressed because it was so nice to run around without sweating (much), but I was also fighting a cold or whatever it was that the lady next to me on the plane claimed was allergies :/
**I don't actually quite agree with the content of the lyrics, but I'm relishing the poignancy.
*** Studying? Best baby weight loss program ever: med school.  I'm back in the middle of my old normal range now.  yeah!