Monday, October 13, 2014


Yesterday, the temps went back down and so we jogged for 1hr45 or so (total time 2:45).  My first long run in a long time, but I hung in there.  The old dog's first long run in even a longer time, but he hung in there.  The puppy's first long run ever, but she hung in there. 

It was actually pretty relaxing.

There was a little bit of an incident with horses.  Part of that forest has mixed-use trails allowing equines, which is cool, except some horses like to see you close to the trail, others like you way off the trail--and I always choose option #2 because that's been the norm most other places I've been, plus I want to stay well out of kicking range. 

Unfortunately, that was not what the horses wished last time, and it took a bit of coaxing from the riders to get them to go past me.  Nobody bolted, though! 

Although, it would be best, if a horse is going to be all like ooooohhhh 2spooky4me, then that horse stays home.  Because, honestly, that forest is tame as fffff: no bears, no cougars, no wolves, no feral pigs, but there are a lot of birds and rodents and little things that go boo, not to mention kids and dogs.  There is also a massive conservation area just a few miles away reserved strictly for equestrian activities.

But sharing is caring, not scaring, and so my realistic option #1 is to avoid the trails that allow horses.

Today, we had two walks because I have "normal" work days this week, daylight before and after, and then I did shoulder exercises.

1 comment:

Fran said...

That Emery track is hypnotic yet energizing!