Monday, December 23, 2013

A lesson learned

Today has been rather warm and humid.  The high was about 25 or 26 C.

Great for hanging around outside in the sun--got a good dose of Vit D today!--but kind of miserable for running.  So I just did a 20 min tempo run on the TM in the toasty garage, and then I lifted.

At first, it felt great.  So much better than touching chilly metal!  I even thought about upping the weights, if all went well and I did a certain amount of reps with a certain weight...

However, it was humid, and I was continuing to sweat from the tempo run, and my grip started to suffer.   My last set of cleans really started to fall apart, and I resisted the one more rep that would make things right, because I knew it wouldn't.

If only I'd paid heed during the deadlifts too!  My second last one, the bar snagged in my hands and pinched calluses.  It hurt and I was prepared to give up but then I decided to be all tough and whatever--oh, and I also had a small chrome splinter in my thumb at this point.  Blah, blah, wah, wah, don't be such a baby!

Well, I went for one more rep and the bar really snagged.  It was really no go, but by then I was mostly up and I had to commit.  The sensation in my hands threw out the rest of me, and I set down the bar with the worst back spasms in my life.   Crap!  The worst I've done with weights has been just a little twinge; the worst I've done with anything else in my life has been just a slightly worse twinge, thanks to a sweet old lady (about 150 lbs) with a temporary loss of balance.  I turned to grab her, a big no-no in the PSW biz, but I couldn't let her fall.  Not her.  Maybe someone else (and yes, because our lift limit was 35-50 lbs, we were supposed to let anything (anyone) heavier than that fall as gently as possible.  Anyway, I had a few days of discomfort, but yoga fixed that.

I've also had years of low-grade back discomfort from scoliosis, but yoga fixed that too (not the scoliosis, just the discomfort).

Yep, it's time to relax.  Standing forward bend is the bomb!

I've done a few poses, and things feel a bit better already.  I don't notice the remnants of the chrome splinter anymore, and even the left leg issue is masked.  So much nicer to hurt symmetrically!  :D :D

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