Monday, February 22, 2010

Day 28

My recovery has been pretty good! I slept well, no night sweats or pain, and got up this morning feeling somewhat stiff but ok. I decided to try a recovery jog, about 20 ended up being about 18. I loosened up nicely and then things were starting to stiffen up again so I decided to stop.

I tried using ujayi breath again, just for kicks...I was kind of shocked by the effect this time. When I get into a good recovery jog zone, my muscles generally feel kind of chilly as they loosen up (I also get this during yin yoga sometimes). This morning, I was going slowly enough that I had decent technique, ocean sound, loose back of the throat, etc (still have to work on the abdominal lock, and for running in general, lol); a couple of breaths into it, my body suddenly flooded with heat. Especially in my quads--they're the most sore as well, so probably not mere coincidence. That is what the breathing technique is supposed to do, raise the heat in the body or however they put it, but I never feel it much during yoga. I could maintain the breathing technique for just a few minutes at a time today, but it was fun and I think it really helped get into the proper recovery zone because I had to stick to 4-4. once I sped up, I couldn't maintain the technique. I'll be experimenting with this in the future. It's not said to be a restorative thing during yoga practice, but maybe it is during running? I don't know.

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