Tuesday, January 6, 2015

last long

I think that was my last long...something.   Went to the gym at 1:20 pm, started my run on the TM at about 1:40, and then I went to work and, BAM, EMERGENCIES, and so I didn't leave, didn't eat (apart from a bag of cheetos at about 11 pm), didn't even pee until I left work around 1 am.  That's almost 12 hrs on my feet with one tempo run and a few sprints in there.  It's true, and I'm counting it!  Actually I did sit down once in that span, just for a minute or two.  I have no idea how long I spent in a particular room, and I was kept busy for much of the time, but there was one quiet 1/2 hr-ish span I spent standing and waiting--I couldn't actually leave the room, just in case.  And then, later on when I didn't have much time to sit anymore, I discovered the chair in the corner of the room.  Oh, wait, and I did sit down for the 5 min drive from the gym to work.  So, let's say, I sat for 7 minutes during 11.5ish hrs.  That's pretty decent ultra training, I think.

Just because---kind of rather explicit but that's Missy Elliott! Actually, I heard a cover of one of her songs on the drive to work--it's meant to be.

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