Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Yesterday, walked (1.5ish hrs) with the dogs and chest/arm exercises:

Dumbbell bench press
Dumbbell flies
7-7-7 bicep curls
Straight Arm dumbbell pullover
Tricep dips on bench
Seated Bent-Over Two-Arm Seated Dumbbell Tricep Extension
failed chin up

Funnily enough, though my weights for squats and deadlifts have gone down, they haven't for smaller exercises!

Today, 2 mile hilly run with #1 (I know, I know, why bother...I wasn't feeling that hot), walk with #2, then leg day:

warm up: clean
front squats
calf raises
pistol squat attempt

Because I have more flexibility now, I can go deeper.  The squats have become more challenging.

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