Saturday, June 8, 2024

feels like a long time!

 It's been a while

I'm still running somewhat, usually 2-3 times a week. And I've been increasing my daily distance on foot (walking and running), so things are going well even though I never got that COVacation (still bitter). Instead I was granted yet more crud that wasn't COVID; I had to postpone a dental visit this spring...twice. Hey, I'm doing ok now! Too bad I'm extra slow too, but I'm trying to practice detachment and just enjoy running. 

Fortunately, prolonging some employment-related stress paid off: I held fast for a more suitable option and I will be able to walk to my new job! Yes, I can walk to my old job, but that takes an hour, so guess how often that occurs.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

!!?! kinda spicy, kinda salty

I'm still running, though! Maybe one day I won't be able to try, and some days it's a bit too much. To be honest, my fitness has dwindled to the point that almost every run sucks and it's appalling how high my heart rate goes up even when my effort is minimal, but it's still going on.  I'm still hopeful, I suppose.

Anyway, let me sum up the last year and a half.  After that 10 mile run in April of 2022, I caught some sort of non-COVID thing that made me cough a lot for a few weeks (my money is on human metapneumovirus (read why below)), and THEN I caught COVID just before a vacation.  I'm still and increasingly more bitter about this.  At least I found out before I spread it to the other participants of the race I was going to run.

Unfortunately, I caught it early enough that I was out of quarantine early enough to not extend my vacation.  Even more unfortunately, I then had a particularly grueling month with persistent nausea. Fortunately, also anosmia. Meanwhile, it turns out that the test I was then ordering multiple times a day costs a couple of thousand bucks--it changed practically nothing in terms of management, but at least it identified an apparent human metapneumovirus surge. What is this virus? Who knows? Maybe I'm the only one who cares because I got fingers to point--maybe I would've fought off COVID without a preceding nasty cough that necessitated sleeping propped up for three weeks and then I could've run that race and actually enjoyed my vacation. While I'm at it, let me ***REDACTED, it wasn't just kinda salty!!! I was quite angry***

Because, to sum up my life after COVID...I've learned a ton and made some really good friends and my family is doing great too, and I'm kinda tired and really want those 5 days off before those are phased out too. In the meantime, I'll stay hopeful and I'll keep trying to run. 


Friday, April 1, 2022

Ten miles!

Ok, 9.7. Close enough!

My planned route fell through due to flooding by the river, so I detoured, but then I ran out of interesting roads (definitely not the worst problem, mind you!) so I turned another way, bought and chugged a Vietnamese coffee around mile 8, which hit my GI tract kind of hard shortly before mile 9. That surprised me because I've been having Korean coffees before long runs, including this one, without issue. Both have milk, both have 30-odd grams of sugar and at least some caffeine. Maybe it was a cumulative effect. At any rate, I'm finding it hard to eat much supper afterwards, but fortunately I also bought this lychee coconut drink and that's going down fine. Lesson learned!

Thursday, March 31, 2022


 Typing from my new keyboard! yeah, I finally installed it. Did you know that there are 51 screws securing it into place? I found out today!

But it all rocks because because I have the day off!!! I got comped for working on holidays. So instead of working, I was at home dropping screws inside my laptop.

And outside running too. Only 3 miles today, but I did 8 on Tuesday and I'm hoping to attempt 9 or 10 tomorrow, weather permitting.  And maybe another decent run on Sunday.


Thursday, March 10, 2022

! It's back!

Amazing, I have time for sleeping, eating, studying for that 14?16? hour exam in about a week, and this...and running too.

I've actually had a decent normal humane schedule this whole month, plus I've been on vacation this week.  So I've been running again! Not much, but almost every day. Today, I ran 5 km and it went really well. I'm even feeling exercised-induced endorphins for the first time in a while.

Maybe I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel? Can I keep this up?

edit: I hadn't realized I haven't posted since last July! I've been jogging on and off throughout...some months have been too rough though. 

Saturday, July 31, 2021


This past month has been a bit rough, and not entirely in a constructive way.  

Pro: I've learned a LOT. 

Con: I've been glutened. Mix in stress-induced nausea = eating has been hit or miss.

Pro: I've dropped approx 10 pounds of extra weight, and so running this morning felt almost like old times again. 5 easy miles. EASY! 

I have tomorrow off too and will see what happens!

Saturday, May 1, 2021


I'm still barely running these days: a few short runs a week, and usually one or two 15-20 min tempo runs per week too. Long run tho...hahaha.

It is what it is, right? I'm just forcing myself out there these days, but sometimes running is like this.